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Wish of a Lifetime in Knoxville

I had an unique opportunity this past October to work with an organization called Wish of a Lifetime to capture a very special reunion of two sweet friends in the Knoxville area. The mission of the Wish of a Lifetime (WOL) organization is to shift the way society views and values our oldest generations by fulfilling older adults’ dreams and sharing their stories to inspire those of all ages.

These two ladies are best friends that have been separated for years with many, many miles between them. WOF made it possible for them to be reunited one last time, and to make it extra special, one of them was celebrating her 92nd birthday! It made my day to visit with them and be a part of this reunion. You can read more about WOL here: -Rebekah

WOL says, “Aging is universal and should be celebrated. But negative views of aging leave older Americans isolated with fewer opportunities to connect with their communities, purpose, and passions in life. Granting a wish is a simple gesture, but the effect is extraordinary. With each wish granted, older adults across the country are reconnected with the communities, passions, and people they love, helping them to live more vibrant and purposeful lives. After their wish experience, over 90% of recipients reported increases in their quality of life and involvement in the world.”

“Wishes have a ripple effect on the community, inspiring individuals to start seeing older adults in a new light. One incredible life story at a time, we are changing the perception of aging—not just how we view our oldest citizens, but also how we see and value ourselves as we age.”

Wishes can be submitted via WOL website’s online application form. Anyone can submit a wish, and all applications are reviewed carefully by their wish team. Become a wish nominator by submitting an application for a deserving older adult in your community. Other ways to become involved with WOL are fundraising, volunteering, and sharing their stories and mission!

Thank you Wish of a Lifetime for choosing Southern Charm Portraits to capture this reunion in Knoxville!

newborn baby photography
- Southern Charm Portraits is a showcased Knoxville, TN photographer on!
- Featured as a Knoxville baby photographer on Huffington Post
- Featured as a Knoxville newborn photographer on The Dating Divas
- Featured as the Best Knoxville Newborn Photographer on Expertise
- Featured on CNN, CBS, USA TODAY, NBC, TIME, The Telegraph, Huffington Post, ABC, and The Sun