As I begin to type this, I am thinking that I have had some sort of “Snow Days” post every year on the blog of the kid(s). The family, of course, has changed every year!
I have had several good opportunities this season to capture my little ones in the snow. It has seemed like they (or I) have been sick every time it has snowed and have not felt ‘up’ to going out in it. Finally last week, I worked up the nerve to take them out! LOL I just took the girls one-at-a-time for a few minutes. I just wanted something- nothing elaborate – to document them in the snow this winter.
Nana got them their cute, colorful petti skirts for Christmas so, of course, I was jumping at the chance to use them! (Warning: This will probably not be the only time you see them on here! They are just too darn cute not to use again!) I just threw their outfits together literally right before we walked out the door! Emmy is wearing a custom designed tee from Polkadaisies! I thought it worked perfectly!
I never really posted a ‘New Year’s’ resolution post either. Wow- I’m really slacking! LOL I had such a busy fall season- I feel like I am just now starting to recover. I always say that I am only going to take “X” amount of sessions per week and then fall comes, the colors are gorgeous, and I can’t turn anyone away! You know I love fall pictures, right? LOL
I am looking into 2011 with some specific goals for SCP! I am excited and am already working towards them. I am looking forward to what this year holds. I had several wonderful clients in 2010 and look forward to many more in this year.
I could never say this enough- thank you to all my faithful followers and supporters. You are the essence of SCP!
And here you go….. Reagan and Emmy! My parents have recently nick-named them “Chaos” and “Mayhem”. LOL I was thinking when Max is ready for his nick-name, “Pandemonium” would fit right in! : )