
see new work on instagram daily: @southerncharmportraits

Beau & Tate – Twins Photographer in Knoxville

Oh, I was so excited to do my first twins newborn session!  These little guys were so tiny and perfect.  (awwwww)  Why do I yearn for a new baby every time I have a newborn session?  Maybe because, to me, there is NOTHING like a brand new baby.  So precious and perfect—clearly a gift from God.  The smell, the skin, the sounds.  (awwww)

Don’t worry!  The desire that stirs inside me during these sessions has usually just as quickly dissolved by the time I pull in the driveway and pick up my 3 kiddos.  LOL

Check out these little fellas!  Aren’t they just oh-so-adorable?one of twins sleeping on blanket all squoosed up!

individual shot of brotherbrown blanket from wal martbaby boys sleeping on top of each othernewborn twin boys holding hands in sleepnewborn boys 2 weeks old sleeping togethernewborn twins sleeping soundly togethernewborn boys nestled together

newborn baby photography
- Southern Charm Portraits is a showcased Knoxville, TN photographer on!
- Featured as a Knoxville baby photographer on Huffington Post
- Featured as a Knoxville newborn photographer on The Dating Divas
- Featured as the Best Knoxville Newborn Photographer on Expertise
- Featured on CNN, CBS, USA TODAY, NBC, TIME, The Telegraph, Huffington Post, ABC, and The Sun