Boy, where do I start? Things have been really crazy around here.
I have not been blogging as often, but not because I’ve not been busy. I’ve had a couple of big projects over the last month that I haven’t blogged about. I’ve had the opportunity to photograph lots of great kiddos and have had a lot of fun doing it, too. I’ve spent a lot of time on designing wedding albums for our 2009 weddings. I’m a bit behind on editing, but plan to make some progress this week. We have hired a babysitter to come a few hours 3 days a week. The kids love her and it is really helping me to stay sane and get some stuff accomplished!
And, the obvious reason we’ve been so busy… is that it is almost time for #3 to be making his big debut. I’m 34 weeks! I had both girls at 38 weeks so it could be fairly soon that we’ll be meeting little Max. I’ll be 38 weeks on Easter Sunday (which is also my mom’s b-day this year) so it will be interesting to see what happens. I had my 4D ultrasound done about a month ago and his pictures look REALLY close to what Emmy’s 4D ultrasound pictures looked like. Reagan is excited. I don’t think Emmy understands what is going to be happening. I am excited… a little anxious, scared, etc., etc…
We have moved Reagan out of her room and into a room with Emmy (bunk beds are fun for kids and scary for parents!). I have been trying to fix Reagan’s old room into a nursery for Max. I’m decorating it in a guitar/drums theme. Not really rock star, but I guess just a music theme. If you know me well, you know that music is a big part of my life and family. I guess I’m hoping Max will be a great musician and singer. =)
Here are some pictures of the girls in their rooms before we started making changes. Enjoy!
OH- I almost forgot! They are sporting their cute, cute Polkadaisies clothes!!
Here’s pinky (the male beta fish!) and our frog (no name- just frog). We’ve had them both over a year. This is their first debut on the SCP blog. =)
Here’s the sweet baby bed that gets passed down each time. I don’t think either child has ever slept one night in this crib. haha